Analysis of trait association and principal component of
variability in field pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes
Manish Kumar, MS Jeberson, NB Singh, Ranjit Sharma and Raviraj Singh Patel
The Pharma Innovation Journal 2018; 7(8): 437-441
Abstract: Existing genetic variability and strong trait association among cultivars/germplasm offer great help in
enhancing the genetic gain/breeding value in crop plants. The objective of this study was to analyze the
traits association and principal components causing genetic variability present in twenty-eight genotypes
(Parents + Hybrids) using 12 agro-morphological traits. The experiment was consisted 28 genetically
diverse pea genotypes (7 parents and 21 F1 crosses, developed in half diallel fashion) were evaluated
under Randomized Block Design (RBD) under recommended agro-practices. The ANOVA analysis
revealed that parentage and crosses has genetic variability (among parentage and F1s) for all the traits
studied. The no. of pod per plant (r = 0.685 and 0.670, respectively at P≤0.01) has substantial genotypic
and phenotypic correlation with seed yield/plant followed by pod length (0.639), no. of nodes to first
flowering (0.576) etc. Existence of great genetic variability with comparative value of PCV and GCV
reflects that the genotypes have played substantial role rather least environmental effects on these traits
suggest selection suitability of these traits. Hence, information generated in the study has immense value
in formulation of further breeding strategies and exploitation of maximum genetic gain in field pea
Keywords: Genetic diversity, PCA, GCV, PCV, correlation coefficient, agro-morphological traits, field
pea, Pisum sativum L
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