Morphological analysis of the autochthon olive varieties cultivated in the North West of Tunisia.
Volume 37(4). Published January, 01, 2017
Abstract - In
the present paper we focus on the characterization and the conservation of the
local minor olive cultivars in Tunisia. Our work was conducted in the framework
of the activities of the fruit tree network in the Tunisian National Gene Bank.
The objective is to study the relationship between thirteen autochthon olive
varieties cultivated in the regions of “Rouhia”, “Makthar” and “Kesra”
localized in the government of “Siliana” (North West of Tunisia). The
experimental approach was based on the morphological data of the leaf, fruit
and the endocarp as described by the International Olive Council (12).
Polymorphism was observed among 18 evaluated qualitative traits, whereas
significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed for 11 analyzed
quantitative traits. The principal components analysis showed a degree of
variability of about 80% for the first two principal components, a percentage
sufficiently high to ensure that the PCA plots were representative of the main
features of the data set. Likewise, the hierarchical analysis based on Ward’s
method permitted the separation of the thirteen studied cultivars on four main
groups based essentially on the morphological data of the fruit and the
endocarp which proved the importance of these parameters to discriminate
between the olive cultivars. The phenotypic diversity observed among the
autochthon olive cultivars in government of “Siliana” suggests a high genetic
potential of this heritage and confirmed the necessity to protect the specimens
studied cultivars.
Keywords: Morphological analysis, Autochthon olive,
Biodiversity, Gene Bank, Tunisia.
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